A questo indirizzo sono invece disponibili i problemi di sicurezza fixati:
MFSA 2009-22 Firefox allows Refresh header to redirect to javascript: URIs
MFSA 2009-21 POST data sent to wrong site when saving web page with embedded frame
MFSA 2009-20 Malicious search plugins can inject code into arbitrary sites
MFSA 2009-19 Same-origin violations in XMLHttpRequest and XPCNativeWrapper.toString
MFSA 2009-18 XSS hazard using third-party stylesheets and XBL bindings
MFSA 2009-17 Same-origin violations when Adobe Flash loaded via view-source: scheme
MFSA 2009-16 jar: scheme ignores the content-disposition: header on the inner URI
MFSA 2009-15 URL spoofing with box drawing character
MFSA 2009-14 Crashes with evidence of memory corruption (rv:
Firefox 3.0.9 è disponibile per il download al seguente link o attraverso la modalità di aggiornamento automatico.