Disponibili i driver GeForce 285.79; Battlefield 3 fixes/tweaks


NVIDIA ha rilasciato nella giornata di oggi nuovi driver GeForce, in versione beta, 285.79. Tra le novità più interessanti la presenza di alcuni fix e tweaks per il videogioco targato EA Battlefield 3. Sono stati inoltre aggiornati i profili SLI e 3D Vision.

nvidia logo - Disponibili i driver GeForce 285.79; Battlefield 3 fixes/tweaks

Di seguito il changelog completo:

According to Nvidia, this driver supports GeForce 6, 7, 8, 9, 100, 200, 300, 400 and 500 series desktop cards, the ION GPUs, and offers the following:

– Several bug fixes and performance improvements for Battlefield 3. Fixes cases of irregular performance (stuttering) primarily seen on DirectX 10 GPUs. The fix improves the performance of both DX10 and DX11 GPUs.
– Fixes shadow map corruption seen with DirectX 10 GPUs.
– Fixes cases of black corruption lines/triangles with DirectX 10 GPUs.
– Fixes black screen during playback using Windows Media Center.
– Added or updated SLI profiles for the following games: Aion v3.0 Anno 2070 Assassins Creed: Revelations Bastion Need for Speed: The Run Payday: The Heist The Adventures of Tintin The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim – Added or updated the following 3D Vision game profiles: Airline Tycoon 2 – rated Fair Assassin’s Creed: Revelations – rated Good Batman: Arkham City – updated rating to 3D Vision Ready Deus Ex: Human Revolution – rated Excellent The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim – rated Excellent FIFA 12 – rated Good Hard Reset – updated rating to 3D Vision Ready inMomentum – rated Fair The Lord of the Rings: War in the North Smash Cars – rated Fair Two Worlds 2: Castle Defense – rated Good Zombie Driver – rated Excellent

E’ possibile effettuare il download dei driver dal seguente link.