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Discussione: [ROM]HTC Desire HD 1.2.25 MIUI tradotta completamente in ITALIANO

  1. #1
    L'avatar di Carlo
    Data Registrazione
    Oct 2006

    Predefinito [ROM]HTC Desire HD 1.2.25 MIUI tradotta completamente in ITALIANO

    E' finalmente disponibile la nuova ROM Miui 1.2.19 per Desire HD completamente tradotta in italiano. Le novità, rispetto alle versioni precedenti, sono moltissime.

    [Solo gli utenti registrati possono vedere questo collegamento. ]

    Di seguito il changelog:
    Version 1.2.19 fixed the problem of slow running
    Update 1.2.18:
    Advanced power monitoring, power grasp of the situation plainly
    Added attribution to the database Add 5696 records, repair of individual error data
    Repair failed will display the call duration of last call issues
    IP phone repair attribution problem can not be displayed
    86 the beginning of repair will be resolved locally fixed the problem for long
    Repair data connection and try again the problem may lead to FC
    Optimized default "call against misuse" switch off by itself without the user
    Repair in some cases the problem can not receive long text messages
    Press Menu fix the content of messages will be truncated in some location problems
    New SMS contacts fix drop-down list and set the input items "display only the phone number" problem of inconsistency
    Receive multimedia messages to remind the repair is displayed when downloading time and not receiving MMS expiration of time to download
    Edit mass repair call, the contact data changes in the call does not change the problem
    Edit mass term fix, there is a strange error when the problem of contact
    Optimization of the first loading speed when entering text
    Optimization further optimize mass properties
    When repair is not bound account the problems the new group will be FC
    Repair the password change in the pattern set in the invisible problem of invalid
    Optimization to improve the accuracy of the icon bar moving in the end
    Optimized to press home to open "recent tasks" faster
    Optimized for faster return to the desktop
    Optimization of the process to change the theme faster
    Optimization of some additional effects of two-state button 
    Fixes can not back up the theme problem
    Download failed mistaken for a successful repair problems
    Lock screen:
    Add the contents of the lock-screen message in the SMS preview function can be set to turn off
    Add edit song ID3 information
    Add related local lyrics, album
    Add to manually adjust the lyrics progress
    Add SD card music folder to rename, delete, and file the same name, deleted the playlist update
    Add set to increase "does not use the system to provide album" option is to solve the system library problems associated with the error image
    Several causes crash of bug fixes
    Camera: (in MIUI network disk download)
    Improve boot speed optimization
    Widescreen fix some models of mobile phone settings initialization problem FC
    Click the photo fix button to take pictures during the period of time will cause the camera does not respond to the problem
    Add three sorting methods (menu key exhale): Created by file, by file name and by file size
    Add the folder view in the gallery to add a menu option to manually trigger the SD card scanning
    Fix the big picture enlarged ambiguous in the case of memory, the maximum permitted level of guarantee definition
    Zoom and move around after the repair is easy to switch to the next when the problem
    Slide your finger to switch the picture optimization comparison card problems and improve finger movement for smoother zoom picture
    Per installare la rom è molto semplice; basta avviare il vostro cellulare in modalità Recovery, fare un bel wipe generale e installare la nuova ROM.

    Buona MIUI a tutti!!

  2. #2
    L'avatar di Carlo
    Data Registrazione
    Oct 2006


    la versione che ho allegato presenta qualche problema con la traduzione. Tempo permettendo, pubblicherò nei prossimi giorno un pack con tutti gli errori risolti ;)

  3. #3
    L'avatar di Carlo
    Data Registrazione
    Oct 2006


    per risolvere i problemi di traduzione descritti nel post #2, è necessario riavviare il terminale.

  4. #4
    L'avatar di Carlo
    Data Registrazione
    Oct 2006


    disponibile la versione 1.2.25 in italiano. di seguito il link per il download

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