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Discussione: [Topic Ufficiale] Le MODs di eMule 0.48a

  1. #1
    L'avatar di Nandos
    Data Registrazione
    Dec 2007

    Post [Topic Ufficiale] Le MODs di eMule 0.48a

    Nell’ambito del P2P sono diffuse le mod dei maggiori client, quali emule, torrent, ecc… Le mod sostanzialmente esistono grazie alla natura open source di questi programmi che mettono a disposizione il loro codice per mettere in atto da parte di terze parti (SwHouse o liberi prof. ) mod che amplificano le possibilità e aumentano le funzionalità del programma originale. In termini sostanziali vengono create
    appositamente per aumentare le possibilità di download dei file che girano nel circus del P2P ( quindi parliamo di velocità ). In questo topic tratteremo delle mod inerenti ad eMule, uno client più diffusi nel P2P.

    Di seguito vengono riportate le principali mod di eMule:

    Beba 1.7 ----- [Solo gli utenti registrati possono vedere questo collegamento. ]
    Changelog v1.7
    - added: Automatic shared files updater [MoNKi/Stulle, Tuxman]
    - added: Relative Priority [Avi3k, Tuxman]
    * sets multiple files' download priorities according to their source count
    - added: Release Bonus [sivka/Stulle, Tuxman]
    - improved: Kad anti-fragmenting [NetFinity]
    - improved: nodes.dat update now triggers automatically when needed [taz]
    - improved: rearranged source details window, showing full client version now [Tuxman]
    - improved: some stuff around the new Kad keyword cleanup [Tuxman]
    - fix (o): "Completed" display precision fix [fox88/taz]
    - fix (o): eMule sent BSOBs where it should use UINT64 [NetFinity]
    - fix (b): FDC slider wasn't disabled when calling beba prefs with inactive FDC [Tuxman]
    - fix (b): "Find all sources" didn't take care of the AHL [Spike2]
    - fix (b): "Obfuscation padding length" is now in the right group :/ [Tuxman]
    - fix (o): possible null pointer exception in ServerListCtrl.cpp [fox88]
    - fix (o): prefs tree bug in PPgTweaks.cpp [TimDzang]
    - fix (o): server sockets are deleted correctly [NetFinity]
    - fix (o): small ResString fix in WebServer.cpp [ducho]
    - changed: revamped beba prefs dialog [Tuxman]
    - changed: some icons and some menu stuff [some Tuxman]

    eMule 0.48a eMuleFuture 0.6 ----- [Solo gli utenti registrati possono vedere questo collegamento. ]
    Changelog v0.6
    partially rewritten SLS [WiZaRd]
    added more AICH security checks [WiZaRd]
    request AICH hashes only in case we don't have a valid hash, yet [WiZaRd]
    if FS are toggled then the remaining data is recalculated [WiZaRd]
    added checks to prevent possible memory corruption while reading data from ini files [WiZaRd]
    changed minQR system to my minRQR system for way less CPU usage [WiZaRd]
    do not send empty dirs on shared file requests [WiZaRd]
    updated header view+ implementation [JvA] by BlueSonicBoy
    added missing code for "Avoid Credits Accumulate faker" in URLclient [Spike2] (by Morph)

    Magic Angel v3.1 (based on Morph 10.1 ) ----- [Solo gli utenti registrati possono vedere questo collegamento. ]
    Changelog v3.1
    -05 july 2007
    MERGED: to MorphXT v10.1 [evhwz]
    ADDED: *LOGGING-ONLY* - Secure Source Exchange (beta) - Detects clients sending source response with invalid ips [sFrQlXeRt]
    FIXED: Crash with Secure Source Exchange in 3.1beta1 when adding an ed2k link with IP [evhwz]
    ADDED: [EMULATE]Emulate Community Nick Addon (*only clients not punished are emulated*) [evhwz]
    FIXED: Load from preferences MA and MA+ creditsystem correctly [evhwz]
    FIXED: Link in server window pointing to Magic Angel homepage [evhwz]
    FIXED: Leecher Icon overlay [evhwz]
    ADDED: AJ-community-detection by userhash, code from xtreme 6.1 (Detect Userhashes, GPL breaker punishmet) [evhwz]

    Mephisto v1.1 ----- [Solo gli utenti registrati possono vedere questo collegamento. ]
    Changelog v1.1
    - 28.12.2007 -
    based on eMule 0.48a ScarAngel 2.5 compiled with vs2003 SP1
    Added: Transfer Multiple Chunks [Stulle]
    Added: Adjust maximum upload time (1h-4h; default = 2h) [Stulle]
    Added: Upload Tweak settings (be very careful! see documentation!) [Stulle]
    Added: Veto new slot if one trickle is present [Stulle]
    Added: Add new Slot if new slot is reacting too slow [Stulle]
    Changed: Limitation kicks in when 1:2.9 reached instead of 1:3 [Stulle]
    + it worked but it was rather rough...
    Changed: Allow PBF for Non-SUI only if state is NotAvailable [Stulle]
    Changed: Accept new clients every 5 seconds instead of 10 [Stulle]
    Changed: Accept new client when closing client uploads more than 1 KByte/s [Stulle]
    Changed: Move PBF client down when he finished a chunk [Stulle]
    Changed: Include Full/Trickle handling in slot opening process [Stulle]
    + does not effect bandwith spreading but represents it
    Changed: Change between Full and Trickle only after a configured time [Stulle]
    Changed: Move finishing clients down in upload [Stulle]
    Changed: Calculation for the maximum to give [Stulle]
    Fixed: New slot if no trickle (set wrong variable) [Stulle]
    Transfer Multiple Chunks:
    + Mode 1: Do not transfer multiple Chunks (like disable the old function)
    + Mode 2: Xtreme Full Chunk (the old version of full chunk transfer)
    + Mode 3: Finish X chunks: Helps the other clients to finish x chunks (max X*PARTSIZE)
    + min 3 MB; max 9.28MB*x
    + Mode 4: Upload X Chunks: Transfers X*PARTSZIZE at the max

    MorphXT 10.5 ----- [Solo gli utenti registrati possono vedere questo collegamento. ]
    Changelog v10.5
    CHANGE: innosetup 5.2.2 allows to "run" on vista when installed
    ADD: Chinese traditional to installer.
    CHANGE: USC: tuned upload.
    FIX: USC: fix extreme slot explosion bug for ps 100%.
    CHANGE: Clipboard watch uses clipboard chain, save a bit of cpu. [leuk_he]
    CHANGE: Clipboard ed2k link file watch now queues into morph category selection.
    FIX: rare heap corruption when safeconnnect is disabled. (netfinity)
    CHANGE: update Safekad to warpf 0.3a.11 beta (netfinity)
    FIX: KAD for filesize > 4GB (netfinity)
    ADD: USS: initial TTL (stulle/MonKi)
    ADD: Reconnect kad & server after resume from hibernation.

    NeoMule v4.5 ----- [Solo gli utenti registrati possono vedere questo collegamento. ]
    Changelog v4.5
    Minor updates
    eMule 0.48a NeoMule 4.50 Beta3c
    updated to 0.48a
    MOD - [DontRemoveStaticServers]
    MOD - [ServerIPFilter]
    NVC - [NeoVersionCheck]
    KBS - [KadBootStrap]
    IP2C - [IP2Country]
    NCI - [NewClientIcons]
    ECR - [EnhancedClientRecognization]
    CRC - [MorphCRCTag]
    MMR - [MorphMassRemane]
    NMX - [NeoMenuXP]
    CQR - [CollorQueueRank]
    NTT - [NewToolTips]

    NextEMF v1.1 ----- [Solo gli utenti registrati possono vedere questo collegamento. ]
    Changelog v1.1
    07.01.2008 |+ RollUps in TransferWnd [dlarge/eMule+]
    06.01.2008 |+ NewToolTips with small Changes from Neo Mod [dlarge/Phoenix]
    01.01.2008 |+ Slidebar [WiZaRd/eMule+]
    01.01.2008 |+ Userhash Fix [Xman]
    08.01.2008 |+ PaddingLength to Extended preferences [Xman]
    01.01.2008 |+ AddOn Dir for IpFilter Update [shadow2004/WiZaRd]
    01.01.2008 |+ NextEMF Style MinimuleBack.GIF [dlarge]
    01.01.2008 |+ AICH-Syncthread CrashFix [Xman]
    01.01.2008 |+ CorruptionBlackBox Fix [Xanato )
    01.01.2008 |+ KadInterface Improvement [Xanatos]
    01.01.2008 |+ Hash Progress [o2]
    01.01.2008 |+ Update nodes.dat frequently [Avi3k]
    01.01.2008 |+ Kad Path Fix for nodes.dat [leuk_he]
    01.01.2008 |+ Kad Fix for index.dat files [godlaugh2007]
    01.01.2008 |+ Fix in socket.cpp for DestroySocket [netfinity]
    01.01.2008 |+ CrashFix in socket.cpp for DestroySocket [Maella]
    01.01.2008 |# changed Style for Slidebar [dlarge]
    03.01.2008 |# File Buffer Size to max 10 MB [dlarge]
    01.01.2008 |# changed many Icons [dlarge]
    02.01.2008 |# updated Tabcontrol [shadow2004/dlarge]
    02.01.2008 |# fixed Bug in IPFilter Update for load IpFilter version [dlarge]
    02.01.2008 |# fixed official Bug when dis/enabling Queuelist/Clientslist [Xman]
    02.01.2008 |# fixed official Bug when checking for empty Userhash [ilmira]
    02.01.2008 |# few fixes to Statistic Graph [BlueSonicBoy]
    02.01.2008 |# Code Improvement for switch Uploadlist [Xman]
    03.01.2008 |# fixed Bug in Ed2kUpdates Page für LoadSettings from EMF Mod [dlarge] thanks @ stulle !!!
    08.01.2008 |# updated germ.dll [dlarge]

    SharkX 1.0 ----- [Solo gli utenti registrati possono vedere questo collegamento. ]
    Changelog v1.0
    fix : Fix GDI leak (rapid mule / leuk_he)
    fix : missing RecheckIP and firewall status at CKademliaUDPListener::Process_KADEMLIA2_REQ (taz) - 10'x Enig123
    fix : Optimize KAD search @ CSearchResultsWnd::DoNewKadSearch for retaining unicode compat with official (taz) - 10'x Alden
    SharkX 0.5h 04/01/08
    fix : show options when RTLWINDOWSLAYOUT selected (taz) - 10'x dlarge
    fix : remove faulty initial value of MaxFilesPerTcpFrame @ CDownloadQueue::ProcessLocalRequests
    update : Vista sensing fix (pP) - 10'x pP
    add : Corrupted blocks ban threshold from Spike2v1.2 (Spike2/taz) - 10'x Spike2
    fix : possible mem corruption @ CKademliaUDPListener::Process_KADEMLIA2_BOOTSTRAP_ REQ fix of fix (taz)
    update : KAD Guard v2 do not read from URL on start, switch URL sources (taz)
    fix : add edit box to download color for active downloads & uploaders we're downloading from at mod options (taz)
    fix : reload of nodes.dat from URL on KAD disconnect (taz)
    SharkX 0.5g 27/12/07
    add : reward rare chunk uploaders from NetF 0.3a-beta13 (Rare Chunks gives more Credits Netfinity), adjustment to 0.48a + ClientAnalyzer (taz) - 10'x anonymous
    add : Don't allow file hot swapping from NeoMule 4.50 (Maella/Xanatos) - 10'x aSceT
    fix : Multi CS : PAWCIO lower CPU usgae (my mistake)
    add : Multi CS : add Anti Shape from Warp 0.3a11 (Netfinity) to official CS + adjustment to ClientAnalyzer (taz) - 10'x anonymous
    add : CorruptionBlackBoxFix from from NeoMule 4.50 (Xanatos) - 10'x Stulle & dlarge
    add : reveal download color for active downloads & uploaders we're downloading from at mod options (taz)
    SharkX 0.5f 20/12/07
    add : KAD Guard - extending KadBootStrap (taz)
    fix : Sharing eMule with other computer users - [Solo gli utenti registrati possono vedere questo collegamento. ] (TimDzang)
    fix : drop sources adapt to AutoHL (taz)
    add : WiZaRd's cleaner server remover from TK4 2.1d (BSB)
    add : Don't remove dead servers on 0 retries (taz) - CB's idea
    add : optimization for calling OnlineSig @CServerSocket::ProcessPacket by BSB
    SharkX 0.5e 11/12/07
    updated : Safe KAD from Warp 0.3a11 (Netfinity)
    remove : Official UPNP (Xman)
    add : Xtreme UPNP from Xtreme 6.1 (Xman)
    add : Import Parts (Fix corrupted download) from MorphXT 10.5 (SR13 / SiRoB)
    fix : http dialog bug fix by leuk_he - 10'x avi-3k
    fix : Sorting on Progress in Transfers/Downloads list by fox88
    fix : Issue [Solo gli utenti registrati possono vedere questo collegamento. ] - jestheonlyone
    fix : adjust ("linear" scores - alligned with primary CS) Fine CS scaling due to Multi CS by taz
    fix : adjust Intelliflush for Import Parts @ CPartFile::WriteToBuffer (taz)

    Xtreme 6.1 ----- [Solo gli utenti registrati possono vedere questo collegamento. ]
    Changelog v6.1
    - added AJ-community-detection by userhash* (by anonymous anti-leecher)
    * this option will detect and ban really a lot of bad mods!
    - added filefaker check
    - added T-DSL 16000 to the wizard
    - improved NAFC adapter finding: find the right adapter even with exotic network configurations
    - improved wizard to choose better download / uploadlimits
    - improved: prevent busy popup during windows startup (leuk_he)
    - improved: kadliscontrol: show the filename immedately
    - a lot of other small improvements
    - changed: skip loading of saved sources if you only allow obfuscated connections
    - changed: for uploadlimit > 16 one more Low-ID client is allowed to enter the upload
    - changed: do not ask exit from command prompt (leuk_he)
    - fixed official kad bug under vista (leuk_he/godlaugh2007)
    - fixed an official crashbug when shutting down while AICH-Syncthread is running
    - fixed an official crashbug: reapplied division by zero fix at taskbarnotifier
    - fixed a bug when changing ports but don't restart emule
    - fixed an UPNP bug
    - fixed an official bug: sometimes banning didn't work properly
    - fixed a bug if you got a IP with ends with 0

  2. #2
    L'avatar di R4z3R
    Data Registrazione
    Dec 2007

    Predefinito Re: [Topic Ufficiale] Le MODs di eMule 0.48a

    miglioramenti evidenti delle mods? pro e contro?

    da quello che avevo letto in giro alla fine a parte Adunanza (che non è esattamente un mod le altre vanno tutte veloci uguale)

  3. #3
    L'avatar di ThE sTig
    Data Registrazione
    Dec 2007

    Predefinito Re: [Topic Ufficiale] Le MODs di eMule 0.48a

    ma A-mule com'è?Mi attira l'idea del fatto di poter gestire gli slot di upload
    [Solo gli utenti registrati possono vedere questo collegamento. ]
    [Solo gli utenti registrati possono vedere questo collegamento. ]
    Club Rulez

  4. #4
    L'avatar di nVegeth
    Data Registrazione
    Dec 2007

    Predefinito Re: [Topic Ufficiale] Le MODs di eMule 0.48a

    Nessuna mod va più veloce e nessuna è la migliore, dipende dalle proprie esigenze.

    Un consiglio spassionato: usate la versione ufficiale :D

    @ Stig: [Solo gli utenti registrati possono vedere questo collegamento. ]

  5. #5
    L'avatar di Nandos
    Data Registrazione
    Dec 2007

    Predefinito Re: [Topic Ufficiale] Le MODs di eMule 0.48a

    alla fin fine non si può che quotare nvegeth, le ho provate un botto ma la v. ufficiale settata "bene" ( ) è sempre migliore
    cmq sono utili per utilizzi particolari sicuramente ...

  6. #6
    L'avatar di nVegeth
    Data Registrazione
    Dec 2007

    Predefinito Re: [Topic Ufficiale] Le MODs di eMule 0.48a

    Io le ho provate tutte, ma proprio tutte, ma solo per curiosità. Le migliori secondo la mia esperienza sono la MorphXT la eXtreme e un altra di cui non ricordo il nome e non è neanche in lista qui (tra l'altro ce ne mancano parecchie :D )

  7. #7
    L'avatar di Nandos
    Data Registrazione
    Dec 2007

    Predefinito Re: [Topic Ufficiale] Le MODs di eMule 0.48a

    e si lo so verrà aggiornata a breve

  8. #8
    L'avatar di ThE sTig
    Data Registrazione
    Dec 2007

    Predefinito Re: [Topic Ufficiale] Le MODs di eMule 0.48a

    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da nVegeth
    Nessuna mod va più veloce e nessuna è la migliore, dipende dalle proprie esigenze.

    Un consiglio spassionato: usate la versione ufficiale :D

    @ Stig: [Solo gli utenti registrati possono vedere questo collegamento. ]
    Vabbè non facciamo i pignoli
    [Solo gli utenti registrati possono vedere questo collegamento. ]
    [Solo gli utenti registrati possono vedere questo collegamento. ]
    Club Rulez

  9. #9
    L'avatar di nVegeth
    Data Registrazione
    Dec 2007

    Predefinito Re: [Topic Ufficiale] Le MODs di eMule 0.48a

    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da ThE sTig
    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da nVegeth
    Nessuna mod va più veloce e nessuna è la migliore, dipende dalle proprie esigenze.

    Un consiglio spassionato: usate la versione ufficiale :D

    @ Stig: [Solo gli utenti registrati possono vedere questo collegamento. ]
    Vabbè non facciamo i pignoli
    Dove :D

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