GeForce Release 180 BETA
Versione: 180.42
Data: 21 Ottobre 2008
Operating System: XP 32/64, Vista 32/64
Dimensione: 90.1 MB
Driver BETA per GeForce 200-series, 9-series, e 8800-series desktop GPUs.
Raccomandati per la migliore esperienza con Far Cry 2:
“Since we first began working on Far Cry 2 in early 2005, we have used GeForce GPU’s to develop the game and worked closely with NVIDIA’s excellent engineers. While Far Cry 2 represents an outstanding PC gaming experience for a wide range of systems, GeForce users can expect to enjoy the game quite literally ‘The Way It Was Meant To Be Played’.” - Louis-Pierre Pharand, Ubisoft, Far Cry 2 Producer
Abilitata la tecnologia NVIDIA SLI sulle mobo Intel X58 SLI-certified con le seguenti GPUs: GeForce GTX 280, GeForce GTX 260, GeForce 9800 GX2, GeForce 9800 GTX+ e GeForce 9800 GTX.
Windows Vista 64-bit
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Windows Vista 32-bit
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Windows XP, Windows XP Media Center Edition
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Windows XP x64, Server 2003 x64
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