E' disponibile la patch, v1.001, per lo strategico World in Conflict. Introdotte nuove caratteristiche nella gestione dei profili utenti e migliorate le prestazioni con le schede video Directx 10.
Corretti inoltre numerosi bug:
- The fire rate for US and NATO Heavy Artillery has been improved.
- Score for repairing your own repair units has decreased.
- Score for repairing friendly units has been increased.
- The cost for Airdropped Light Tank Tactical Aid is now higher.
- The recharge time for all Airdropped Unit Tactical Aid has been increased.
- The target area for Air-to-Air Strike Tactical Aid has been increased.
- The view range for Airborne Infantry has been decreased.
Server side:
- Players per role cap is now a server setting, default is 4.
- Auto-kick of idle players has been improved and turned on by default.
- Servers can now ban players that have been kicked from the server.
- A limited server admin functionality has been added, you can now kick players and change maps.
And much more.
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