– Improved touch-friendly theme
– Improved panning and zooming performance and behavior
– Add search providers from the site identity panel
– Manage search providers from the Add-ons Manager
– Simplified the Download Manager (removed searching and find file on disk)
– Streamlined the bookmarking process
– Simplified the bookmark management
– Popup notification when background tabs open
– Bookmark list now displays the URL and tags associated with a bookmark
– Added a product information page (about :fennec or use the button in Preferences)
– Support for add-ons options in the Add-on Manager
– Support for updating add-ons
– Support for the HandheldFriendly meta-tag (support for the viewport meta-tag is coming)
Fennec è disponibile per il momento solo per dispositivi Nokia N900 e Nokia N810 o N800 Internet Tablet. In alternativa è possibile provare il Browser anche su OS Windows, Linux o Apple. Maggiori informazioni disponibili a questo link.